Who are we?

Griot’s Table is a black-owned multi-sensory, experiential, and immersive supper club and traveling dining event company that takes diners through a discovery of the tales of Afro-history from the shores of West Africa, the islands of the Caribbean, to the Americas. Each themed event is meticulously curated to envelopguests in a tapestry of flavors, music, decor, and storytelling, grounded in Afro-history. 

Our mission: challenge and transform how diners engage with food not just as a sensuous experience but as a historical phenomenon

Our vision: create a culture where black history, culture, and contribution to the culinary art is acknowledged, celebrated, and honored 

Our Values: Afro-optimism (Black Joy), Ubuntu, and authenticity. We strive to uplift and highlight black culture in a positive way while acknowledging and amplifying our shared humanity

Our Services

Anansi’s Odyssey

An ode to Enslaved People’s resilience and capacity to triumph over more powerful forces using cunning, creativity, and wits, Anansi’s Odyssey mirrors the black tradition of transmitting cultural values, beliefs, and history through oral expression and food. The experience follows the folklore figure’s journey from the Gold Coast to Afro-communities in the Caribbean and the Americas. Diners will be transported to a world of Afro-folklore, mythology, and superstitions while discovering a diverse range of  Afro-diaspora cuisine from Ghana, to Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Haiti, and ending in South Carolina

Mansa Musa’s Table

 A reimagining of Mansa Musa’s royal feast, the Mansa Musa’s table provides diners with an exquisite, regal dining experience that offers a delectable exploration of cuisines from countries that were once part of the Mali Empire. Served family style as is the custom in the Sahel region, the experience embraces the Griots tradition (West African traditional storytellers, poets and musicians) of using food to welcome and introduce a guest to the clan.

The Voudou Child Experience

A journey of the senses enhanced by cannabis-infused offerings, the Vodou child experience will take diners through an exploration of Afro-spirituality where the spiritual and ancestral planes co-exist with the everyday and mundane. Food will act as a gateway to the spiritual, allowing diners to explore a multilayered reality.